8:00 We talked a little about our Jamestown group and whether or not we like it. Also, Drue reminded us to make a “failure list.” On this list we need to figure out what we have done, like Heads, call list, etc. With this list we can figure out some new methods of reaching our students in danger of failing. Freshman night next semester will be in February and will be mandatory for all academy teachers. Heads and thumbs first half now. Some improvements.
7:45 We begin by filling out our thumbs sheets. Not too much has changed since the last one. Brainstormed ideas to get these heads up forms to the parents. The students never seem to get the forms to their parents. Maybe we could mail them? It just seems weird that we do the work, but don’t see any improvement. Remember, insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Any ideas?
8:00 For unfinished business from the last meeting, Robin got her cigarette. Charlie horses, grades, missing pages, and lack of sleep caused our meeting to begin a little late. Mrs. Branton miss spelt my name on all the Heads Up forms . We made note of the amount of Heads and Thumbs. We flew through our weekly infraction logs, same type of data because we have the same students getting the infractions!! About time for some Student/parent/team conferences… We are gonna kick their butt like they owe us money.
7: 50 Team Poseidon descends upon the library. We stare blankly at each other and the students in the room. Sonic serves coffee at 6. We finish up the heads and thumbs list. I make my first Venture Bros reference of the year. Many more to come. We discussed a few students’ “new” issues and took guesses as to their cause. REMINDER get your contact logs together!!!
7:55 Meeting now in session. We have been having many confrontations between students, and Mrs. Y is attempting to find a new class for her students, but our schedules are inelastic. We are tired of seeing students make Eskimo kisses in the middle of class. We looked through our intervention data and began to collect data. Traci and Mrs. Phillips brought a baby into the room…Your Humble Narrator and Phillip were the only people not stricken with baby fever. Robin left to smoke her pain away. I guess that means we are done.
8:00 This is for all you facebook fans: We discussed our situation with Melissa Manson’s classes being…ugh…available? Anyways, they are no longer “in an open relationship,” they are officially “in a relationship” with Mrs. Viverito. Whew! since this is on midterm week, we really dodged a bullet. Thanks Mrs. Viverito! After discussing the sights, sounds, and beauties of Hawaii, we realized we did not have any PBS binders and had to save PBS for Friday. 8:25 and we are done. Oh, fun fact of the day, if you feel a sneeze, stare in to the light.
7: 45 Following in the footsteps of Team Zeus, we shall swap 2nd and 3rd block tomorrow (Wednesday) so that the midterm exam will not be split by lunch. Apollo, get on board! We spent the next 3 minutes reminiscing about our culturally diverse group of math professors while Rebecca printed our thumbs list. We are noticing many of our previous “Bs” on our list are improving; however, academic issues have not improved. 8:30 we are done with the first half, and done with the meeting
7:52 Everyone here, PBS day. We will do agenda check today, not if they have them, but if they are USING them. NOTE: perfect attendance will be on September 23, 2008. Make sure we have our second chance papers for any student who needs them. We filed out our infraction sheet, it was long. Here is a recap: We gave out drachs, we had disproportionality, and MREs make our students excitable. Who’d a thunk it? Schedule issues, etc. Meeting over.
7:55 We discussed a temporary teacher to take Melissa’s place until she heals fully. Team changes will happen, we created a new schedule based on Jamestown scores. Looks like our classes will be leveled!! (finally)
20 minutes in, Robin needs a cigarette. Time is ticking, no time for thumbs. Matt asked if two negative phone calls would equal one positive call. No. bye (8:30)
7:45 Meeting begins, we learn that tilapias are crap eaters. And catfish. No one is getting enough sleep. Team calls for a day to sleep in. We agree on Saturday. We began creating a testing schedule for next week. We created schedules to even out our classes and move students to honor classes. It’s a good feeling. UPDATE we can’t move our discipline problem students because of honors classes, and the different parts of Algebra. Robin has something in her nose. We will meet at 7:40 in Mrs. Y’s room for our next meeting.
8:17 Meeting ended
8:15 PBS meeting today. We are discussing tutoring for students. We addressed
mandatory tutoring; the penalty for not showing is suspension. We distinguished
between 2nd chance, tutoring, Credit Recovery. Tutoring is for English, Math, and
Science. Social Studies must be rocking. We also looked into behavior coaching, no one
suggest any student…yet. We are a little confused about weekly behavior logs, most of
us use the log daily. Mrs. McCorkle brought our student rosters, we need to level our
classes within our team. 504 or special needs? We are just getting our IEPs, so none
yet. Everyone left. Bye.
7:50 We discussed switching a few students (splitting groups of students). Next
week we will meet in Mrs. Y’s room at 8:30. We will give drachmas for perfect
attendance tomorrow. Friday of this week we will come up with a plan for positive
postcards and positive phone calls. Everyone looks tired. Robin needs a smoke
8:00 Meeting adjourned (took me awhile to spell that one)
I'm going to attempt find all of the blogs what we typed up over this past month and get the blog up to date....here goes
7:52 Meeting Started, we went over roles for our team. Many teachers don’t feel we know the kids.
We talked about early interventions with some students.
Teachers are a little unsure about the number and the relative location of Drachs. Room 219, MAKE SURE TO USE NEW DRACHS.
We will start writing up dress codes Wednesday.
Rebecca will ride her pink scooter.
That is all.
Hello fellow Poseidoneers, how looks this blog?